Chathuragiri Sundaramakalingam Temple
This hilly region is the Western Ghats. It is believed that this forest is where Siddhas like Korakkar and Chattaimuni used to live here for penance and philosophical research.
The natural beauty and silence here creates a deep sense of peace within us. It is an ideal place for meditation and silence.
On the new moon day of the Tamil year, a large number of devotees gather to break their fast and take a walk to Sundaramakalingam and Chandanamakalingam temples and perform special worship to attain peace of mind and divine exaltation.
It is called "Chaturagiri" because it is surrounded by mountains on all four sides. The name is also a statement as the overall structure of the hills is square in shape. The specialty of this temple is that the Mahalingam is reclining in the Sundaramakalingam shrine.
History says that many Siddhas who realized the beauty of this mountain stayed here and gave Siddha medicine to people with incurable diseases.
It is also believed that the Siddhas lived here for penance and philosophical research.
It is believed that Siddhas still worship Lord Shiva in these awe-inspiring mountains.
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